Saturday, February 2, 2008

My baby boy is no more...

My baby boy is now a BIG boy and I just got rid of a major part of his baby boy life.
I sold his toddler car bed and crib mattress!
I didn't feel this way when he transitioned from the crib to his other toddler bed, or from his toddler bed to this car bed. I got sentimental today when we hauled this thing out to the trailer to meet the winning bidder. It looked so small next to my son. He climb up on it for the last time and laid down. His feet hung over one end and his head touch the other end.
So now he's in a FULL size (or double) bed and it will be his last bed until he's moved out and on with his grown up life. It's sad how fast the days go by...I just want my 12 pound Hulk back in his crib!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kids will really grow up sooner or later